Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Terri 'Cup Cake' O'Mason  Introduction - Des Moines  Stag Party Special #4 
 2. The Devil Wears Prada  Dez Moines  With Roots Above and Branches Below   
 3. Mark Bernay  I'm now in Des Moines   
 4. Alain Daboncourt  Introduction et Variations - Introduction  L'Europe Preromantique 
 5. Alain Daboncourt  Introduction et Variations - Introduction  L'Europe Preromantique 
 6. Elaine Equi  Introduction  Segue Series Reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, 5-26-07 
 7. Jack Spicer  Introduction  The Holy Grail, July 15th, 1965 
 8. Barrett Watten  Introduction  Segue Series Reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, 10-13-07 
 9. ells  1) Introduction  All About ELLs......tips and tricks 
 10. Barbara Cohen  Welcome and Introduction  From the Iliad to the Ipod: Transitions in Media & Scholarship 
 11. Emile Coué  1.Introduction  La Méthode Coué 
 12. Emily Abendroth  Introduction  Live at the Writers House, UPenn; September 24, 2007 
 13. Elaine Equi  Introduction  Segue Reading Series / NY, Mar-26-2005 
 14. Ron Silliman  Introduction  Segue Reading Series at Double Happiness/ NY, May-13-2000 
 15. mike watt and the black gang crew  DJ Introduction   
 16. mike watt and the black gang crew  DJ Introduction   
 17. mike watt and the black gang crew  DJ Introduction   
 18. Hunt, Erica  Introduction   
 19. Ron Silliman  Introduction  Segue Reading Series / NY, Nov-19-2005 
 20. Eric Raillard  Introduction   
 21. Eric Grubbs  Introduction  POST: Commentary Tracks 
 22. Ron Silliman  Introduction  Segue Reading Series at Double Happiness/ NY, May-13-2000 
 23. Ron Silliman  Ron's Introduction  Segue Reading Series / NY, Nov-19-2005 
 24. Emmanuel Sikora  Welcome and Introduction  Music of Emmanuel Sikora - September 30, 2007 
 25. Emmanuel Sikora  Welcome and Introduction  Music of Emmanuel Sikora - September 30, 2007 
 26. Of A Revolution  Introduction  2006-01-14 - Madison Square Garden 
 27. Of A Revolution  Introduction  2006-01-14 - Madison Square Garden 
 28. Ego Plum  Introduction  RAT KING FINAL MASTER 
 29. Ego Plum  Introduction  RAT KING FINAL MASTER 
 30. Edith Piaf  Introduction  Il Etait Une Voix 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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